"\"%@\" at \"%@\" already exists and was not replaced." = "\"%@\" at \"%@\" already exists and was not replaced.";
/* File/Folder Is Newer Log Text */
"\"%@\" at \"%@\" is newer and was not replaced." = "\"%@\" at \"%@\" is newer and was not replaced.";
/* File/Folder Installed Log Text */
"\"%@\" at \"%@\" was installed." = "\"%@\" at \"%@\" was installed.";
/* About Menu Text */
"About %@" = "About %@";
/* Action String */
"Action" = "Action";
/* Agree Button */
"Agree" = "Agree";
/* Quit Confirmation Alert Title */
"Alert" = "Alert";
/* Quit Confirmation Message */
"Are you sure you want to quit? Stopping the Installer now may leave your system in an unstable state." = "Are you sure you want to quit? Stopping the Installer now may leave your system in an unstable state.";
/* Install had errors alert message */
"Check the installation log at %@ for more details." = "Check the installation log at %@ for more details.";
/* Logout message (When logout button is available) */
"Click Logout to quit all applications and logout." = "Click Logout to quit all applications and logout.";
/* Logout message (When logout button is not available) */
"Click Quit to exit the installer and then please logout from your computer." = "Click Quit to exit the installer and then please logout from your computer.";
/* Successful finish message */
"Click Quit to exit the installer." = "Click Quit to exit the installer.";
/* Restart required message */
"Click Restart to quit all applications and restart." = "Click Restart to quit all applications and restart.";
"Installation finished on %@" = "Installation finished on %@";
/* Install log start label text */
"Installation started on %@" = "Installation started on %@";
/* Installation Terminated Log Text */
"Installation terminated on %@" = "Installation terminated on %@";
/* Installer Critical Alert Title */
"Installer" = "Installer";
/* Installing Title */
"Installing" = "Installing";
/* Minimum Disk Space Required Message (MB) */
"Installing this software requires %d.%01dMB of disk space." = "Installing this software requires %d.%01dMB of disk space.";
/* Minimum Disk Space Required Message (GB) */
"Installing this software requires %d.%02dGB of disk space." = "Installing this software requires %d.%02dGB of disk space.";
/* Installing String */
"Installing..." = "Installing...";
/* Introduction Bullet */
"Introduction" = "Introduction";
/* Invalid Install Path Log Text */
"Invalid install path for %@" = "Invalid install path for %@";
/* License Title */
"License" = "License";
/* License Agreement Alert Title */
"License Agreement" = "License Agreement";
/* Logout Button */
"Logout" = "Logout";
/* Message to be displayed when install script is missing or invalid */
"Missing or invalid install script file." = "Missing or invalid install script file.";
/* Movie Title */
"Movie" = "Movie";
/* \"One Moment Please...\" text */
"One moment please..." = "One moment please...";
/* Quit Button */
"Quit" = "Quit";
/* Quit Menu Text */
"Quit %@" = "Quit %@";
/* Read Me Title */
"Read Me" = "Read Me";
/* Replace Button */
"Replace" = "Replace";
/* Restart Button */
"Restart" = "Restart";
/* Script Title */
"Script" = "Script";
/* Select Destination Action Heading */
"Select a Destination" = "Select a Destination";
/* Select Destination Bullet */
"Select Destination" = "Select Destination";
/* Select Volume Step String */
"Select Volume" = "Select Volume";
/* Support Title */
"Support" = "Support";
/* Support Item String */
"Support Item" = "Support Item";
/* Insufficient Disk Space Message */
"The disk \"%@\" does not have enough free space to install this software. This software requires %@ to install." = "The disk \"%@\" does not have enough free space to install this software. This software requires %@ to install.";
/* File Already Exists Alert Message */
"The file \"%@\" already exists. Replace it?" = "The file \"%@\" already exists. Replace it?";
/* Folder Already Exists Alert Message */
"The folder \"%@\" already exists. Replace it? (All contents of this folder will be replaced also.)" = "The folder \"%@\" already exists. Replace it? (All contents of this folder will be replaced also.)";
/* Install had errors alert title */
"The installation finished with errors." = "The installation finished with errors.";
/* Successful finish title */
"The installation has successfully finished." = "The installation has successfully finished.";
/* Logout required title */
"The new software requires that you logout from your computer." = "The new software requires that you logout from your computer.";
/* Restart required title */
"The new software requires that you restart your computer." = "The new software requires that you restart your computer.";
/* Demo timed out error message */
"This demo installer has timed out and will no longer run. You must purchase FileStorm Pro to create licensed installers." = "This demo installer has timed out and will no longer run. You must purchase FileStorm Pro to create licensed installers.";
/* Admin Priveleges Required Error Message */
"This installer requires admin privileges to run." = "This installer requires admin privileges to run.";
/* System Requirement Not Met String */
"This installer requires system version %@ or greater to run." = "This installer requires system version %@ or greater to run.";
/* Unlicensed Installer Heading */
"This is an unlicensed FileStorm installer." = "This is an unlicensed FileStorm installer.";
/* License Agreement Alert Message */
"To install the software, you must agree to the terms of this software license agreement." = "To install the software, you must agree to the terms of this software license agreement.";
/* Unlicensed Installer String */
"Unlicensed Installer" = "Unlicensed Installer";
/* Welcome Action Heading */
"Welcome" = "Welcome";
/* Not Enough Free Space Message */
"You cannot install this software on this disk. There is not enough free space on this disk." = "You cannot install this software on this disk. There is not enough free space on this disk.";
/* Needs OS X Volume Message */
"You cannot install this software on this disk. You can only install this software on a disk with Mac OS X installed." = "You cannot install this software on this disk. You can only install this software on a disk with Mac OS X installed.";
/* Selected Volume Message */
"You have selected to install this software on the disk \"%@\"." = "You have selected to install this software on the disk \"%@\".";